This study aims to determine: 1.) Social Studies Learning Outcomes at SDN Meunuang Kinco; 2.) The Effect of Audiovisual Learning Media on Social Studies Learning Outcomes for Class V SDN Meunuang Kinco. This research is an experimental quantitative research, with a quasi-experimental research design (non-equivalent control group design) with pretest and posttest activities. Based on research conducted in the fifth grade of SDN Meunuang Kinco, it shows that there is a significant effect of the application of audiovisual media on student learning outcomes in social studies subjects. This can be seen based on the average of student learning outcomes using audiovisual learning media is 83.33 while learning outcomes using conventional learning models are 76.33. Based on the results of the t test where obtained Sig.(2.tailed) <0.05 (0.00 <0.05).
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