The purpose of this study was to determine: 1.) Student Civic Education Learning Outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic using the Conventional Model at SD Negeri 013841 Sei Silau Timur, Buntu Pane District, 2.) Student Learning Outcomes using the SAVI Learning Model during the pandemic covid 19 in class V of SD Negeri 013841 Sei Silau Timur, Buntu Pane District., 3.) The Influence of the SAVI (Somatic, Auditory, Visual, Intellectual) Learning Model on Student Civic Education Learning Outcomes in the 013841 Sei Silau Timur District Elementary School, Buntu Pane District . Based on research conducted in the fifth grade of SD Negeri 013841 Sei Silau Timur, Buntu Pane District, it shows that there is a significant influence from the application of the SAVI learning model (Somatic, Auditory, Visual, Intellectual) on student learning outcomes in Civics subjects. This can be seen based on the average of student learning outcomes using the SAVI learning model is 85.43 while the learning outcomes using conventional learning models are 74.17. Based on the results of the t test where Sig. (2.tailed) < 0.05 (0.00 < 0.05).
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