Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Dengan Menggunakan Model Think Talk Write Pada Mata Pelajaran IPA Kelas IV SD N 124386 Pematangsiantar.


  • Fitri Yani Universitas Haji Sumatera Utara

Kata Kunci:



This research is to improve student learning outcomes by using the Think Talk Write model in the fourth grade science subject at SD Negeri 124386 Pematangsiantar. This research method is Classroom Action Research (CAR) by applying two cycles, namely cycle I and cycle IIwhich includes planning, action, observation, and reflection. Before taking action in the first cycle,the researcher gave a pre-test to determine the location of the difficulties in science subjects in the matter of the properties of light, continued with cycle I and post-test cycle I, cycle II and ended with giving post-test cycle II with science learning outcomes test with using the form of multiple choice test The number of samples used were all students of class IV SD Negeri 124386 Pematangsiantar as many as 21 students. Based on the research conducted, the data obtained from the initial test of student learning outcomes obtained an average value of 52.61, where there were 4 students who had reached the level of mastery learning and the percentage of classical learning outcomes was only 19.05% or <80%. Classically and this is still relatively low and has not been successful for the learning process of students. Therefore, improvements were made and the implementation of class action in the first cycle using the Think Talk Write learning model, the average value increased to 61.42, 11 students completed learning and the percentage of classical student learning outcomes was 52.4%. < 80% and this is also classified as not successful in the class actions carried out. Then the researchers continued and made improvements and implementations in the second cycle, the average value was 75.71, 19 students who had completed with the percentage of student learning completeness 90.48%> 80%. So it can be concluded that there is an increase in student learning outcomes in science subjects in the matter of the properties of light in Class IV SD Negeri 124386 Pematangsiantar.


