Implementation Of The Brainstorming Method In Improving Activities And Results Of Learning



Kata Kunci:

Brainstorming Method, Learning activity, Learning outcomes


The problem in this study is "Low activity and student learning outcomes on accounting subjects". The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which the application of the Brainstorming learning method can improve the accounting activities and learning outcomes of class XI students in vocational high School. The subjects in this study were class XI students in vocational high School, amounting to 36 people. The technique of data collection used is a test of learning outcomes in the form of teacher made essays and observation sheets to record improvement in student learning activities during the teaching and learning process takes place. From the observation data the learning activities carried out indicate an increase in student learning activities from cycle I to cycle II. During the first cycle there were 10 people (27.78%) students who were good at learning activities. From the analysis of student learning outcomes data obtained test data before application with an average score of 63.89, while at the time of the cycle I test the average score of students became 75.14 or an increase of around 11.25 points. It can be concluded that the Application of Brainstorming Learning Methods Can Improve Activities and Learning Outcomes in the basic competencies in Class XI students in vocational high School.


