Peningkatan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah dan Disposisi Matematis Siswa Melalui Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah (PBM)


  • Yanty Maria Rosmauli Marbun

Kata Kunci:

Problem Based Learning, Mathematical Problem Solving, Mathematical Disposition


The purpose of this research was to analyze: (1) The improvement in mathematical problem solving ability of students that given through problem based learning with students that given through usually learning, (2) The improvement in matematical disposition ability of students that given through problem based learning with students that given through usually learning, (3) The interaction between the learning approach with students’ mathematical previous knowledge toward the improvement in mathematical problem solving ability, (4) The interaction between the learning approach with students’ mathematical previous knowledge toward the improvement in mathematical disposition, This research has done at SMP Negeri 1 with sample 60 students. This research is a semi-experimental by pre-test-post-test control group design. The population of this research is grade seven with taken sample two classes (experiment class and control class) through random sampling technic. These instruments had been estabilisihed in fulfill requisite content validity and reability coefficient 0,887. The analysis data was done by using two way ANAVA test. Sample in this research come from normal and homogen sample by level 5% significant. Based of the results analysis, it showed that: (1) Improvement of the students’ ability in realistic mathematic education classroom is higher than the students’ ability in usually learning classroom, (2) Improvment the students’ ability in mathematical disposition in PBM classroom is higher than the students’ ability in usually learning classroom, (3) There did not encist between learning model and students’ mathematical previous knowledge toward the improvement ability mathematical problem solving, (4) There did not encist between learning model and students’ mathematical previous knowledge toward the improvement ability mathematical disposition, Based on the result of this research, the researcher suggested that problem based learning can be used as an alternative for mathematic teacher to improved students’ ability in mathematical problem solving and mathematical disposition.


