Nommensen Journal Of English Studies <p>NoJES is a peer-reviewed and scientific journal published twice a year in the months of April and October by the Department of English Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of HKBP Nommensen Pematangsiantar. It aims to publish high-quality articles in the field of English education linguistics, and literature. It invites scientists, lecturers, teachers, and practitioners to disseminate theoretical and practice-oriented topics of English language studies which cover but not limited to: English Teaching and Learning, Curriculum Development, English Testing and Evaluation, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in English Language Teaching, English for Young Learners, Linguistics Study, Translation Study, English Literature, and Discourse Analysis.</p> id-ID Sat, 18 Dec 2021 05:45:39 +0000 OJS 60 THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SABELS IN TEACHING READING COMPREHENSION <p>This article is about the implementation of SABELS in teaching reading comprehension. A qualitative research was <br>conducted to a class X of SMK Panca Budi Perdagangan in order to find out the process of teaching and learning by using <br>SABELS and its hindering factors. The data was collected by observing the teaching and learning process for three <br>sessions. It is found that: 1) students became more critical in posing questions, 2) students were actively involved in <br>discussion, 3) students were encouraged to be more confident in expressing ideas to classmates. Some obstacles found in <br>the implementation are: 1) there is no in-focus in the classroom to be used to show audio-visual media to students, 2) it <br>was hard to access internet during class since very few of them had smartphone, and 2) not all students had equal chance <br>in communicating ideas due to very limited time. In conclusion, SABELS is recommended to teachers who want to <br>enhance students‟ higher order thinking skills.</p> Edwina Hak Cipta (c) 2021 Sat, 18 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 THE EFFECT OF SCIENTIFIC APPROACH-BASED ENGLISH LEARNING STRATEGY (SABELS) ON THE STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION ABILITY AT GRADE TEN OF SMA NEGERI 4 PEMATANGSIANTAR <p><u>This research aims to find out the effect of Scientific Approach-Based English Learning Strategy (SABELS) on the students’ ability in comprehending and interpreting Recount Text at grade ten students of SMA Negeri 4 Pematangsiantar</u><u>.</u> <u>This research was designed as a quantitative method with quasi-experimental research design. Seventy students of PMIA 5 and 4 were selected as the participants. The experimental class was treated using SABELS while the control class was not treated using SABELS. The data were obtained through pre-test, treatment and post test. The pre-test was held to know the students’ basic ability or score before treatment was given. Meanwhile, the post test was held to know the students’ achievement and significant effect after the students were taught using SABELS. The data shows that </u><u>the difference or the improvement as the whole students got in post test from control to experimental group is 445 or 12,71 point in average. </u><u>The score of t-test (6,11) is higher than t-table (1,99) at the level of significance 5% for two tailed test, so Null Hypothesis is rejected and Alternative Hypothesis is accepted. </u></p> Ihsan Tanama Sitio Hak Cipta (c) 2020 Sat, 18 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 ANALYSIS OF EXPERIENTIAL FUNCTION OF STUDENTS RECOUNT TEXT <p>This research is aimed to find out and describe the dominant process used by students in writing their experience in recount text. The data from students writing are analyzed and described based the process used in functional grammar. Functional grammar has six processes and they are material process, mental process, relational process, verbal process, behavioral process and relational process. In writing recount text, action verbs are needed completely. Students realize that they need to express their emotion and expression in recount text. The process realized by&nbsp; verb group ccontains six types of processes which total number is 392. Students use the process as following; 209 (53,31%) for material, 56 (14,27%) for mental, 66 (16,83%) for relational, 15 (3,82%) for behavioural, 17 (4.33%) for existential and 29 (7,39%) for verbal The result shows that the dominant process used by students is material process by 209 or 53,31 % of process used.</p> M.Restu Sanjaya, Sinta Wahyu Ningsih Hak Cipta (c) 2020 Sat, 18 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 THE STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES IN WRITING A NARRATIVE TEXT AT GRADE TEN OF SMA NEGERI 4 PEMATANGSIANTAR <p>This research aims to find out the difficulties faced by the grade ten of SMA Negeri 4 Pematangsiantar in writing a narrative text based on the generic structure and the lexicogrammatical features. This research was designed as a qualitative method with documentary research design. Thirty six students of X PMIA 2 were selected as the participants. The data shows that in the orientation there are 36 students have difficulties in grammar, there are 8 students have difficulties in spelling, there are 6 students have difficulties in vocabulary, and there are 19 students have difficulties in punctuation and layout; in the complication it found that there are 32 students have difficulties in grammar, there are 16 students have difficulties in spelling, there are 10 students have difficulties in vocabulary, and there are 29 students have difficulties in punctuation and layout; in the resolution it found that there are 30 students have difficulties in grammar, there are 13 students have difficulties in spelling, there are 13 students have difficulties in vocabulary, and there are 24 students have difficulties in punctuation and layout; in the lexicogrammatical features it found that there are 34 students have difficulties in using verb 2 (past tense), there are 13 students have difficulties in using adverb of time, there are 10 students have difficulties in using time connectives, and there are 7 students have difficulties in adjective.</p> Rony Tua Parasian Sinaga Hak Cipta (c) 2020 Sat, 18 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 USING ENGLISH ANIMATION MOVIE TO IMPROVE LISTENING ABILITY OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS <p>This experimental research is designed to find the effect of applying English animation movie to improve listening ability of undergraduate students. One of the authentic media which can be used in listening comprehension is film or video. Animation movies in particular make language come alive. Students who enjoy listening to their favorite animation characters will enjoy the challenge of imitating their characters’ speech. Plus, animation movies are appropriate for all age group. The population of this research was 240 undergraduate students of first semester at English Study Program of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Nommensen HKBP University in Pematangsiantar Municipality. The sample of this research was randomly chosen based on their classes. Students of Group C was as experimental group; and the control group was students of group D. Each of group consists of 35 students. To collect the data, multiple-choice test was conducted to both groups. There were 5 short dialogs where each had 5 questions. So, there were 25 items. The media used in test was in audio form without any visual. Using t-test in analyzing data, it is found that t-value (2,11) is higher than t-table (1,667) at level of significant 5%. This means that using English animation movie is effective to improve students’ listening achievement.</p> Basar Lolo Siahaan Hak Cipta (c) 2020 Sat, 18 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000